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Neck Therapy

New Patient

This first visit is 90 minutes and includes a comprehensive intake, an acupuncture treatment and may also include advice regarding herbs, supplements, diet and lifestyle.

(Taxes included)

Established Patient

This 75-minute treatment involves a discussion about how the patient is progressing as well as an acupuncture treatment.  Sometimes cupping or other tools are also used.


(Taxes included)

Acupuncture Pricing
Physiotherapist massaging male patient with injured shoulder blade muscle. Sports injury t


I practice bodywork influenced by Tuina and Shiatsu.


Tuina is possibly the oldest massage tradition.  Various manual techniques are used to free up tense areas for less pain and more mobility.

Shiatsu is a Japanese style of meridian therapy that focuses on holistically treating the whole body while utilizing a flowing palm pressure style.

Treatment lasts 1 hour.

(Taxes included)

Herbal Tea

Herbal Consultation

This 40-minute consultation involves a comprehensive health history intake including Traditional Chinese Medical diagnostics.  After thoughtful consideration and research, a customized herbal protocol will be formulated to address your needs.

(Taxes included)

Herbal Pricing
Massag Pricing

Acupuncture & Massage

This 1.5 hour combination treatment includes 45 minutes of massage and 45 minutes of acupuncture back-to-back.  This comprehensive approach is often better than each  done individually.  Both therapeutic approaches can relax the whole person as well as localized, tight, and painful areas.  The massage can relax  broad regions as well as allow the practitioner to feel which muscles and areas of the body need more attention.  Less needles are needed to focus on the most essential locations. 

Can't use Insurance

(Taxes included)

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